Monday, December 22, 2008

Early Christmas

Sorry I'm posting so much, lol. Anyhoo...
Yesterday evening my dad's side of the family came over for an early Christmas. I have 6 cousins on my dad's side and I believe 5 of them were there. Here are the families:

My grandma Marion was there, she has Alzheimer's, so she doesn't really know who any of us are.
And her husband (my dad's dad) passed away when my dad was 17.
My dad has 3 brothers: David, Paul and Alan. My dad is the second oldest.
David's family: His wife's name is Jackie, and they had 2 kids Josh and Brenda. There both in there 20's I think... Josh was the only family member missing from this event =(. But everyone one else was there, including Brenda and her new wife Megan. Yes Brenda is a girl, and yes I said HER WIFE. We try not to judge.*ahem* Moving on....
Paul's family: His wife's name is Robin, and they also have 2 kids; Mathew and Sydney. Matt is like 16 and Sydney is 12.
Alan's family: His wife's name is Julie, and, yes you guessed it, they have 2 kids! Abby and Alex. Abby is 10 and Alex is 6.
So basically, my dad broke the pattern by having 4 girls, instead of a boy and a girl, lol.
So there are 20 members of my dad's family (including us. Us being my sisters and my mom, lol), and 19 were there.

Story time: My dog Tumai (the black labrador) has a bark collar, because we got a complaint for all of his loud barking. So my sister Jessica (the more adventurous one) wanted to see how much it hurt. So, she stuck it to her neck and barked like a dog, (she's not the sharpest tool in the shed, lol just kidding). And, well, it shocked her, and she screamed and threw it across the room. Lol, everybody was laughing hysterically. So then my uncle Alan (the youngest of my dad's siblings) wanted to try. And... the rest is in the video, lol

Post quote: Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. - James Dean


Stephanie said...

The guy in the video is hilarious

Hannah Noelle said...

That was really funny. I feel so bad for your dog now :(.

Sierra said...

@ Hannah: I did at first to. But he's really smart, so now whenever we put the collar on he knows not to bark. =)

Zuzu said...

Poor pup! Good think he's smart! That was really funny...:P

strawbeesplash said...

in response to the quote, how the heck can you control wut u dream???

tj said...

Haven't seen you on here much lately...Facebook eating your time? :) I love you!!!!

Misha said...

lol! that's funny :)

Misha said...

I like the quote, btw :)


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